yuhhuuu.. hehehe.. alhamdu lillah aku da sampai umah da mlm smlm.. keke :) ok la post ni aku nak citer keobsesan aku yang 1 lagi.. ~K-POP!!
*warning : klu anda k-pop haters sile jauhkan diri
aku mmg minat k-pop.. hehehe.. tapi baru je lagi terjebak dalam dunia fangirl nie.. and pemulanya bile aku dengar lagu Bonamana.. pastu terus terpikat.. and now my fav is absolutely SUPER JUNIOR.. ♥
above from left: kangin,kyuhyun,heechul,sungmin,yesung,siwon.. below from left: kibum,hangeng,eunhyuk,donghae,leeteuk,ryeowook,shindong |
owh yeah.. how cold we forget these 2 in suju-m.. :)
zhoumi & henry |
super junior la yang telah membuatkan aku kegilaan.. kekeke.. xpenah2 beli album skang da pandai beli.. hehehe (mr simple)
yes he's my bias hence i chose this cover (heechul oppa bogoshipeo!) |
and aku gak beli repackaged album (a-cha).. malas lak aku nk amik gambo.. amik je pic kt google nie.. hehe
and one more I also love SHINee sooo much.. ♥
from left : onew,taemin,jonghyun,minho,key |
2 niee.. mmg faveret kpop idol aku.. best sgt2.. and 1 more aku minat 1 band (real band bkn boyband).. kt korea xbyk band so rase senang je nak teka yang mne.. and it is CNBlue!!!!! ♥
from left : lead guitar+vocal jonghyun,lead vocal+guitar+rapper yonghwa,bassist jungshin, drummer minhyuk |
tula die obsesi aku.. owh btw.. congrats untuk Super Junior sebab menang disk daesang and 3 lagi awards GDA td.. (happy2 :)) congrats gak untuk CNBlue sebab mng disk bonsang award gak.. (tepuk tangan kuat2.. hehehe) SHINee takde sebab taun lepas dorg xkuar album korea baru.. huhu..
happy for you oppas.. :) |
congrats.. :) |
peace no war!!! kekekeke
p/s : bestnye duk umah.. mak
masak sedap kekekekeke :p
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