credit : KimchiCrew Malaysia
hai3 all.. it's been ages since I last updated.. ngehehe.. while I'm still in the mood (happy of course) I wanna share my first experience attending a concert! weheee!! remember that last time I've been telling you guys about attending CNBLUE Blue Moon World Tour Live in Malaysia? it's AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!
naahh.. berhabuk speaking london penat pulak kan.. haha.. okla mari aku story.. the concert happened on Saturday, 24th Aug 2013 at Stadium Negara.. awal2 pukul 7.00 pagi, aku, cik Maslina and Cik Shada da terpacak kat bus stop Batu 8 nak bertolak katenye.. so dari sana kitowang stop kat Klang and naik KTM.. pastu kat KL Sentral tukar monorel pastu sesat.. hahaha.. bukan ape ade orang tu ingat stadium negara tu stadium nasional bukit jalil.. hahaha.. naseb baik belom jauh lagi bole grab cab terus sampai pintu stadium negara.. hehe
sampai sana mule la 3 pasang mata ni rambang2 jadinye tengok orang jual2 merchandise kat area stadium.. hehe.. last2 sume grab tshirt blue moon and cik mas beli paperbag kot.. aku da naik gila tengok poster jonghyun sebenarnye.. (that burning gaze...) tapi tahan jela sebab nanti bajet lari pulak kan.. haha
sampai atas beratur kat tempat MYCNBLUE tengah open cafe.. cafe ni collaboration 4 CNBLUE biases CNBYonghwa, CNBJonghyun,CNBMinhyuk and CNBShin.. diorang buat giveaway.. hehe.. pastu bermacam2 postcard, calendar blablabla yang aku dapat.. hehe
then, da recharge makan kfc hasil memilih untuk setia ngan jonghyun bermulala episod penantian.. 6 jam menanti pagar bukak tau.. peluh jangan cakap.. hahaha.. then tepat 6.30 pm camtu we all has been permitted to enter the stadium.. pehh lega kat luar berasak2 ramai orang mahu pengsan aku dibuatnye..
masuk2 stadium benda pertama aku buat aku campak beg aku kat tepi moonzone pastu duduk berlunjur.. huhh.. lega.. haha
and while waiting......
then at 7.45p.m the moonzoners were covered with the big cloth written "CNBLUE WE ARE HERE"a special project by Malaysian Boice..
credit : kpopstarz
finally the moment we were waiting finally arrived.. the concert started with Where You Are, Get Away and One Time.. I don't know how to describe my feelings at that moment when I see the 4 boys on stage.. I was screaming like hell.. energetic songs, performers and crowd.. so overwhelming..
after those 3 songs, the guys introduced themselves in Malay! waahh.. clap2! and mind you.. they are not just saying typical Apa Khabar (how are you as in English), Jungshin and Yonghwa even asked us "Rindu kami?" (Do you miss us?).. when we screamed yes.. Yonghwa replied "Kami pun rindu kamu" (We miss you too).. aahhh.. rasa macam nak naik atas pentas peluk diorang 4 orang ketat2.. here's the video.. credit to joshuaongys
then the concert went on with Naran Namja, Coffee Shop, Have A Good Night and Wake Up.. heck they were performing the songs non stop! jinjja daebak! and the crowd even jumped and we were screaming our lungs out.. in between they walk around the moon ring yonghwa being energetic he is, dancing his err.. dorky dance move.. while minhyuk beating the drums powerfully, jungshin playing bass with his sweet smile and jonghyun with his awesome guitar solos..
the moment I'll never forget is when the ballad songs segment.. starting with Love Light we all raised our pink hearts given by MYCNBLUE Admins.. although it was controversial at the start with a few of concert go-ers opposing the use of pink (because they thought it resembles YongSeo I think).. the admins even changed the plan last minute to colourful ocean but from what I saw that night.. no colourful ocean was created instead.. it's the pink heart that everyone was raising.. gosh.. the moment is soooo romantic.. like we've been in a deep love with them.. (haha delusional me)
credits to carolyntay
ballad songs segment : Love Light, Feelings, These Days and Y,Why..
ngahaha.. actually ada satu insiden kelakar masa lagu sarangbit tu.. well you know we have to sing along to that song as a fan project.. but really because I memorized the whole song including the rap part, I even rap to it with all my heart.. and while I was too immersed in my rapping the girl standing beside me looked at me in disbelief.. haha.. sebenarnya yang patut kena stare camtu budak tu la.. tengok konsert macam pegi dengar ceramah je.. bole pulak berdiri tegak je.. sorak tidak lightstick pon takde kat tangan die.. pelik..
after the ballad segment.. we moved on to DSM segment.. Dark, Sexy, Metal songs consists of LaLaLa, Just Please, Tattoo and In My Head.. at this time I don't even know how much I was sweating.. lol.. I just don't care anymore.. I was headbanging to the rhythm and enjoying the performance to the max! hahaha..
next we have their three title songs.. Intuition, I'm A Loner and I'm Sorry before they were going for a 5minutes break.. (haha I can't forget how yonghwa dance to these songs XD) when they headed in for a short break, I was like.. it is encore already? I can't get enough of them..
ahh.. minhyukie.. mianhae.. noona tak dapat ambil gambar kamu cantik2.. huhu *guilty
after the break, the boys once again heat up the stage with Hey You and Feel Good.. it's the first time Feel Good being performed and we are so honoured! hehe.. I saw a lot of Boices jumping and dancing to the song.. ngahaha.. me too!
next, they sang Love Girl, You've Fallen For Me, LOVE and lastly Try Again, Smile Again.. before they sing LOVE, Yonghwa even made the crowd create a wave.. Jonghyun on the other side sat on the stage with an amazed look in his eyes.. maybe he was amazed by us? ehee.. the leader keeps encouraging the us to scream and even teased us by asking us to follow what he was chanting.. haha.. seeing we done pretty good he asked us to follow his beatboxing! heyyy.. how can we do that? such a playful man.. hehe.. click here for the link..
when it came to the last song.. realization hit me.. this fun night is going to end soon.. like knowing what's in our hearts.. Jungshin and Yonghwa promised us to come back here again and that words were welcomed with a high decibel scream from the audiences.. as a thank you token.. we raised a banner saying "Thank you for keeping your words".. it is a part of fan project too.. and I saw with my own eyes.. yonghwa gave a thumb up after he read the banner.. we were so touched.. really..
I almost tear up when the place was filled with white confetti accompanying the song..
thank you CNBLUE for the memorable night.. I will not forget every single of it.. and thank you admins of CNBLUEBEAT for the fan projects that touched the boys' hearts and our hearts too.. please come back again soon.. have a successful career! mwah! hehe
bonus.. fancam of the boys speaking malay: kudos to all the boys.. ^^
credit : newskaki
Minhyuk : Terima kasih.. Di malaysia banyak makanan yang sedap.. *thinking.. satay satay! nasi lemak? saya mahu makan satay.. (thank you.. there are many delicious food in malaysia.. satay satay.. nasi lemak? I want to eat satay)
when yonghwa told us to scream.. he says "Kuat lagi!" (Louder!) heol.. aku menjerit bagai nak rak cam nak tercabut segala gigi, tekak dan lidah.. hahaha
when jungshin and yonghwa asked us how we are feeling.. they asked "Bagaimana kamu rasa?" (How are you feeling?).. too good boys.. too good!
and my precious fancam.. haha.. walaupun tak clear sangat.. tapi ada my beloved mr burning..
haha you can actually hear yonghwa says "Nyanyi sekali!" (sing along!)
the boys even declared their love for Malaysia so many times.. can I take it as their love for me? hahaha.. this is the fancam of Neon Naegae Banhaesseo ( You've Fallen For Me ) where yonghwa changed the lyrics to "I love Malaysia" *jumping2!
and more of my pictures.. sorry it's not HD.. huhu.. I'm just using galaxy ace..
special thanks to Ecah Joon for delivering me my BLISH and my official CNBLUE lightstick in the midst of swarming people.. huhu.. kudos!
and also another special thanks for Tian Chad and Sky Arts Production for allowing me to use the beautiful Boice blue ocean picture for my blog header.. ^^
until next time.. Try Again Smile Again... ~
credit : KimchiCrew Malaysia
hai3 all.. it's been ages since I last updated.. ngehehe.. while I'm still in the mood (happy of course) I wanna share my first experience attending a concert! weheee!! remember that last time I've been telling you guys about attending CNBLUE Blue Moon World Tour Live in Malaysia? it's AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!
naahh.. berhabuk speaking london penat pulak kan.. haha.. okla mari aku story.. the concert happened on Saturday, 24th Aug 2013 at Stadium Negara.. awal2 pukul 7.00 pagi, aku, cik Maslina and Cik Shada da terpacak kat bus stop Batu 8 nak bertolak katenye.. so dari sana kitowang stop kat Klang and naik KTM.. pastu kat KL Sentral tukar monorel pastu sesat.. hahaha.. bukan ape ade orang tu ingat stadium negara tu stadium nasional bukit jalil.. hahaha.. naseb baik belom jauh lagi bole grab cab terus sampai pintu stadium negara.. hehe
sampai sana mule la 3 pasang mata ni rambang2 jadinye tengok orang jual2 merchandise kat area stadium.. hehe.. last2 sume grab tshirt blue moon and cik mas beli paperbag kot.. aku da naik gila tengok poster jonghyun sebenarnye.. (that burning gaze...) tapi tahan jela sebab nanti bajet lari pulak kan.. haha
sampai atas beratur kat tempat MYCNBLUE tengah open cafe.. cafe ni collaboration 4 CNBLUE biases CNBYonghwa, CNBJonghyun,CNBMinhyuk and CNBShin.. diorang buat giveaway.. hehe.. pastu bermacam2 postcard, calendar blablabla yang aku dapat.. hehe
then, da recharge makan kfc hasil memilih untuk setia ngan jonghyun bermulala episod penantian.. 6 jam menanti pagar bukak tau.. peluh jangan cakap.. hahaha.. then tepat 6.30 pm camtu we all has been permitted to enter the stadium.. pehh lega kat luar berasak2 ramai orang mahu pengsan aku dibuatnye..
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there's a lot of ahjumma fans you know? hehe |
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waiting~ |
and while waiting......
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official BLUE MOON lightstick |
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showing off! haha |
credit : kpopstarz
and.. there's an opening act.. I don't really know but at first it was awesome.. mixing beatboxing with electric guitars and cello (if I'm not mistaken) but when it enters the 3rd song.. the moment the beatboxer said "Ok for the next song.. " you know what.. the whole stadium.. yes the WHOLE STADIUM (including me of course.. haha) went "ALAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" we were whining because we want CNBLUE to take the stage already.. haha.. lol I feel a bit bad for the beatboxer though.. lucky he beatboxed to the song Hey You.. the crowd once again hyped to it.. keke
finally the moment we were waiting finally arrived.. the concert started with Where You Are, Get Away and One Time.. I don't know how to describe my feelings at that moment when I see the 4 boys on stage.. I was screaming like hell.. energetic songs, performers and crowd.. so overwhelming..
after those 3 songs, the guys introduced themselves in Malay! waahh.. clap2! and mind you.. they are not just saying typical Apa Khabar (how are you as in English), Jungshin and Yonghwa even asked us "Rindu kami?" (Do you miss us?).. when we screamed yes.. Yonghwa replied "Kami pun rindu kamu" (We miss you too).. aahhh.. rasa macam nak naik atas pentas peluk diorang 4 orang ketat2.. here's the video.. credit to joshuaongys
then the concert went on with Naran Namja, Coffee Shop, Have A Good Night and Wake Up.. heck they were performing the songs non stop! jinjja daebak! and the crowd even jumped and we were screaming our lungs out.. in between they walk around the moon ring yonghwa being energetic he is, dancing his err.. dorky dance move.. while minhyuk beating the drums powerfully, jungshin playing bass with his sweet smile and jonghyun with his awesome guitar solos..
the moment I'll never forget is when the ballad songs segment.. starting with Love Light we all raised our pink hearts given by MYCNBLUE Admins.. although it was controversial at the start with a few of concert go-ers opposing the use of pink (because they thought it resembles YongSeo I think).. the admins even changed the plan last minute to colourful ocean but from what I saw that night.. no colourful ocean was created instead.. it's the pink heart that everyone was raising.. gosh.. the moment is soooo romantic.. like we've been in a deep love with them.. (haha delusional me)
credits to carolyntay
ballad songs segment : Love Light, Feelings, These Days and Y,Why..
ngahaha.. actually ada satu insiden kelakar masa lagu sarangbit tu.. well you know we have to sing along to that song as a fan project.. but really because I memorized the whole song including the rap part, I even rap to it with all my heart.. and while I was too immersed in my rapping the girl standing beside me looked at me in disbelief.. haha.. sebenarnya yang patut kena stare camtu budak tu la.. tengok konsert macam pegi dengar ceramah je.. bole pulak berdiri tegak je.. sorak tidak lightstick pon takde kat tangan die.. pelik..
after the ballad segment.. we moved on to DSM segment.. Dark, Sexy, Metal songs consists of LaLaLa, Just Please, Tattoo and In My Head.. at this time I don't even know how much I was sweating.. lol.. I just don't care anymore.. I was headbanging to the rhythm and enjoying the performance to the max! hahaha..
next we have their three title songs.. Intuition, I'm A Loner and I'm Sorry before they were going for a 5minutes break.. (haha I can't forget how yonghwa dance to these songs XD) when they headed in for a short break, I was like.. it is encore already? I can't get enough of them..
ahh.. minhyukie.. mianhae.. noona tak dapat ambil gambar kamu cantik2.. huhu *guilty
after the break, the boys once again heat up the stage with Hey You and Feel Good.. it's the first time Feel Good being performed and we are so honoured! hehe.. I saw a lot of Boices jumping and dancing to the song.. ngahaha.. me too!
next, they sang Love Girl, You've Fallen For Me, LOVE and lastly Try Again, Smile Again.. before they sing LOVE, Yonghwa even made the crowd create a wave.. Jonghyun on the other side sat on the stage with an amazed look in his eyes.. maybe he was amazed by us? ehee.. the leader keeps encouraging the us to scream and even teased us by asking us to follow what he was chanting.. haha.. seeing we done pretty good he asked us to follow his beatboxing! heyyy.. how can we do that? such a playful man.. hehe.. click here for the link..
when it came to the last song.. realization hit me.. this fun night is going to end soon.. like knowing what's in our hearts.. Jungshin and Yonghwa promised us to come back here again and that words were welcomed with a high decibel scream from the audiences.. as a thank you token.. we raised a banner saying "Thank you for keeping your words".. it is a part of fan project too.. and I saw with my own eyes.. yonghwa gave a thumb up after he read the banner.. we were so touched.. really..
I almost tear up when the place was filled with white confetti accompanying the song..
thank you CNBLUE for the memorable night.. I will not forget every single of it.. and thank you admins of CNBLUEBEAT for the fan projects that touched the boys' hearts and our hearts too.. please come back again soon.. have a successful career! mwah! hehe
bonus.. fancam of the boys speaking malay: kudos to all the boys.. ^^
credit : newskaki
Minhyuk : Terima kasih.. Di malaysia banyak makanan yang sedap.. *thinking.. satay satay! nasi lemak? saya mahu makan satay.. (thank you.. there are many delicious food in malaysia.. satay satay.. nasi lemak? I want to eat satay)
when yonghwa told us to scream.. he says "Kuat lagi!" (Louder!) heol.. aku menjerit bagai nak rak cam nak tercabut segala gigi, tekak dan lidah.. hahaha
when jungshin and yonghwa asked us how we are feeling.. they asked "Bagaimana kamu rasa?" (How are you feeling?).. too good boys.. too good!
and my precious fancam.. haha.. walaupun tak clear sangat.. tapi ada my beloved mr burning..
haha you can actually hear yonghwa says "Nyanyi sekali!" (sing along!)
the boys even declared their love for Malaysia so many times.. can I take it as their love for me? hahaha.. this is the fancam of Neon Naegae Banhaesseo ( You've Fallen For Me ) where yonghwa changed the lyrics to "I love Malaysia" *jumping2!
and more of my pictures.. sorry it's not HD.. huhu.. I'm just using galaxy ace..
special thanks to Ecah Joon for delivering me my BLISH and my official CNBLUE lightstick in the midst of swarming people.. huhu.. kudos!
and also another special thanks for Tian Chad and Sky Arts Production for allowing me to use the beautiful Boice blue ocean picture for my blog header.. ^^
until next time.. Try Again Smile Again... ~
p/s : we feel good~ bak kata minhyuk